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Our Lady's Primary School Surrey Hills

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

- Maya Angelou

The wellbeing of students at Our Lady’s Primary School incorporates all aspects of school life. We foster a school spirit which reflects loyalty, respect, love and forgiveness. Student resilience and wellbeing are essential for both academic and social development. This is optimised by the provision of safe, supportive and respectful learning environments.

When speaking with our students about their behaviour, we are committed to the use of a restorative approach. This approach:

  • Promotes awareness of others, responsibility and empathy;

  • Promotes reaffirming relationships through programs that teach social skills and emotional literacy;

  • Involves direct participation of those affected by misconduct in its resolution;

  • Promotes repairing relationships rather than behaviour management;

  • Provides consistency; and

  • Is concerned with establishing or re-establishing relationships in which each person’s rights to equal dignity, concern and respect are satisfied.


Working with Children Check

All adults who work with in the school, attend excursions or work with students must have a Working With Children Check. This needs to be presented at the school office. All adults working with students are required to sign our Code of Conduct.

Code of Behaviour (child safe standards)

Our Community Code of Behaviour is based on Restorative Practice Guidelines for management of students. Please note that Our Lady’s Primary School does not permit corporal punishment.

At Our Lady’s Primary School, we are committed to upholding transparent Child Safety Standards. As a result, our approach towards the protection of children is all encompassing. We are resolutely committed to ensuring that all those engaged in working with our school community promote the inherent dignity of children and young people, and their fundamental right to be respected and nurtured in a safe school environment. This approach is grounded in a Catholic tradition which celebrates the sanctity and unique dignity of each human being.



Where every face has a place

  • Buddy Program

  • The Resilence Project

  • Respectful Relationships Program

  • Positive Behaviour for Learning

  • Transition Program from prep to Year 6

  • Student Representative Council Prep to Year 6

  • Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program ( we have the right to use the image)

  • Sustainability Team



Nurturing leadership right from the beginning

Student Leadership Opportunities for all our Year 6 students, including public speaking

  • School Captains

  • Student Leaders: 

  • Social justice

  • Digital Technologies

  • Arts

  • Sport

  • Sustainability



Catering for the needs of all our students

  • Meditation 

  • Lego

  • Art

  • Coding

  • Skipping

  • All Things Green Team - Sustainability

  • Cooking  

  • STEM

  • Basketball

  • Origami

  • Lola Club

  • Singing

  • Sewing

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Supporting our students and families 

Our onsite School Psychologist is available for students and their families every Tuesday.


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31 Erasmus Street, Surrey Hills, Victoria 3127

(03)9898 7655


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Our Lady's Primary School is committed to creating an environment where the safety, wellbeing, and participation of all children within our care is paramount.  

© 2024 Our Lady's Primary School Surrey Hills
Site design and photography by School Presence

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