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Our Lady's Primary School Surrey Hills

We welcome parent involvement. It helps to build positive relationships between families and the school community.

Volunteers are always welcome to help with:


  • Tuckshop - Balanced Living Catering

  • Excursions

  • Class reps

  • Classroom helpers program

  • Participation in Liturgies and Sacramental programs

  • Community Conversations

  • Sport—coaching or helping out at events

  • Parents association

  • Parish Education Board

  • Our annual fete and other school events



Staying connected with our families

Communication facilities awareness, understanding, involvement and learning.


Classroom basket system

All messages, notes, orders, monies etc for the office are to placed in your child’s classroom basket. This basket will then be sent to the office.


Parent/teacher consultations

Open communication between parents and the school is seen as a necessary part of your child’s education. Meetings can be held informally or formally. If there is a matter you wish to discuss with the class teacher please make an appointment at a mutually suitable time. Parents may contact the school between 8.45am and 3.45pm. Monday to Friday. It should be noted that classes must not be disturbed during teaching hours. Formal Parent/Teacher meetings take place in February and June, when the parents are given the opportunity to meet the teacher to discuss their child’s progress.  Notification is given prior to the meeting and appointment times are organised through an online booking system.


Student information forms

At the beginning of each year, all parents are required to complete or update their Operoo account which provides the school with necessary information about their child, current contact details and permission details.  


Assessment and reporting

Two formal reports are sent home online each year. The reports will be available towards the end of each semester (approximately June and December).  The report asks for parent feedback and the school appreciates that this is attended to. Teachers may also request to meet with parents at various times if there is a matter of concern that needs to be addressed.


Permission notes

Parents are notified in advance when children will be leaving the school for excursions. Permission notes are sent out digitally through the Operoo communications platform prior to the date of the excursion. This allows parents to sign from any digital device at their leisure. It is most important that if your child is participating in an excursion, the appropriate form is completed and signed. If a signed permission form is not received, your child will be unable to attend.


School e-newsletter

The school e-newsletter is distributed fortnightly and is available in hardcopy (upon request), by email, on this website and via the Skoolbag App. Parents are urged to read this carefully as it is an important means of communication between the school and parents. It is also important to check your child’s bag for other notices that are sent home from time to time, for example clubs, book fairs and outside of school activities. Most of our correspondence will occur digitally through Operoo, the Skoolbag App and email.


Skoolbag App – smart phone communication

The SkoolBag app contains important information such as key dates, school news, newsletters, events, cancellations, timetables, school documents as well as absentee forms and information on ordering processes, as well as much much more. To access the app, please contact the School office for instructions.



Welcoming parent involvement

We welcome parent involvement. It helps to build positive relationships between families and the school community.

Volunteers are always welcome to help with:

  • Tuckshop

  • Excursions

  • Class reps

  • Classroom helpers program

  • Participation in Liturgies and Sacramental programs

  • Community Conversations

  • Sport—coaching or helping out at events

  • Parents association

  • Parish Education Board

  • Our annual fete and other school events


Parents and Friends Association

Our Lady’s Primary School Parents and Friends Association (PFA) is an important and highly valued part of the school community. It essentially has two roles:

  • Socialising agent

  • Fund- raising


The PFA forms an important social link between parents and the school. Along with the Principal and staff, the PFA welcomes new parents to the School and Parish.


Meetings are held approximately once per month. All parents are welcome to attend and become involved in the PFA’s activities.

The PFA organises a number of social and fundraising activities throughout the year. The largest fundraiser is the annual fete. Money raised through these events is used to supply materials for the school in consultation with Principal and the staff.


Working Bees

These are held regularly throughout the year. The school is extremely grateful for the wonderful achievements gained from the work of the parents during working bees. A great sense of community is gained when the parents come together to achieve a common goal. Our Lady’s Primary School is committed to providing an education at the highest possible level in a safe and well-maintained environment. Through working bees, fundraisers and a property maintenance program, the school community works tirelessly to ensure that proper facilities are provided for all students.


Parent Helpers

Our Lady’s Primary School is a small school serving a closely knit local community.  Parent assistance in many aspects of the life of the school is welcomed and appreciated by staff. Parents are valued helpers in many areas of the curriculum, e.g. Literacy activities, Information Technology, Maths problem solving, P.M.P., inter-school sport, swimming program, Art, Excursions.

Parental assistance with classroom activities promotes and affirms the partnership of parents and teachers in the educative process. It also promotes greater mutual understanding of the difficulties and joys of the respective roles of both parent and teacher.  Effective parent assistance significantly enhances children’s educational opportunities and promotes a close and mutually supportive partnership between home and school.


Courtesy and co-operation are to be expected from the children at all times. It is important that parent helpers are positive and encouraging in their work with the children. The role of parent helper is one of great responsibility and requires the highest standards of confidentiality and sensitivity.  Any concerns or observations a parent may have about a particular child – academic or behavioural should be reported only to the classroom teacher.


Parents assisting with Literacy in Foundation, Year 1 and 2 classrooms may be required to complete a short training course before being included on the Helpers Roster. The contents of the sessions help in understanding what is involved in the reading and writing process. The school will endeavour to keep parents informed of any changes to timetable and parents need to notify the school if they are unable to assist at their scheduled time.


A Working with Children Check (WWCC) is required by law for all parents and guardians who volunteer. We require that a copy of WWCC needs to be retained by the school. For more information,

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School Advisory Council

We warmly welcome you

The School Advisory Council supports  the Principal in their role, works towards improving student outcomes, demonstrates community leadership, and provides a forum for matters related to the school. School Council members nominate themselves and are invited by the Principal to join the council. 



Celebrating our community - A small school where big things happen

Our Annual School Fete is well known in  Surrey Hills.  It is a wonderful collaboration between Parish, School and the wider community and a great example of our hospitable  and inclusive culture.

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Where memories are made

Our School Performance is held at the Besen Centre biannually. It is a showcase of creativity and performance skills.



Every child is an artist

Our Visual Arts exhibition is held biannually. Every year students' work is showcased at the Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools  - Visual Arts exhibition.



Sing like there is no one listening

The children look forward every year to our school disco. Plenty of fun and great music . The disco is organized by our PFA .

Grandparents/ Special Friends Morning 2023

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