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Our Lady's Primary School Surrey Hills

Engage, Experience, Excel

At Our Lady’s we focus on building relationships. Each child is known by name and their passions, skills and interests are acknowledged and celebrated. We run a number of lunchtime clubs for students who may at times find the social pressures of the playground overwhelming. Staff voluntarily run Skipping Club, Lego Club, Choir, Art Club and Coding Club on a weekly basis. On a Wednesday morning at 8.00am we also have a Running Club that is well attended by our students and their families. Our staff are highly committed to the education of the whole child, they are caring, committed and dedicated. Social and emotional skills are explicitly taught in each classroom and through our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. In 2019 we also established a Respectful Relationships Team to facilitate this area of the curriculum. We are very proud to have both students and parents on this team.


Statement on Australian Democratic Principles


The VRQA Minimum Standards for School Registration includes a standard concerning the school’s adherence to Australian democratic principles and practice. This standard is as follows:

The programs of, and teaching in, a school must support and promote the principles and practice of Australian democracy, including a commitment to:

  • elected Government;

  • the rule of law;

  • equal rights for all before the law;

  • freedom of religion;

  • freedom of speech and association;

  • the values of openness and tolerance.



The purpose of this statement is to affirm the school’s adherence to the principles and practice of Australian democracy.



Australian society is defined, among other aspects, by a belief in elected Government; by a commitment to the rule of law, to equal rights for all before the law; and by a belief in freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of association. Our society is also tolerant of a range of religious, political, social and cultural beliefs and values in the context of the fundamental principle of our democracy. 


The ‘Education and Reform Act 2006’ requires all education providers to operate in a manner consistent with this set of Australian democratic principles.


In accordance with the Act we will deliver our programs and teaching in a manner that supports and promotes the principles and practice of Australian democracy. This includes a commitment to:

  • Elected government

  • The rule of law

  • Equal rights for all before the law

  • Freedom of religion

  • Freedom of speech and association

  • The values of openness and tolerance


The following processes and resources assist our school to support and promote the principles and practice of Australian democracy in our programs and teaching.


The Catholic School Review processes require our school to present a published vision and mission statement based on the mission or purpose of a Catholic school. By the very nature of Catholic schools, which seek to develop the whole person and to assist students to become active members of the Catholic Church and contributors to the common good of society, these statements acknowledge Australian democratic values. 


Our school displays a poster of democratic values as required by the Australian Government. 


The Civics and Citizenship domain of the Victorian Curriculum, which is required to be taught in all Catholic schools, provide students with knowledge, skills, and opportunities to understand and practice what it means to be a citizen in a democracy. All students are required to work through the two dimensions of the Civics and Citizen domain; Civic Knowledge and Understanding, and Community Engagement.



The “Values for Australian Schooling” poster 



This policy will be reviewed as part of the school’s four-year review cycle, or as required.



This policy will be reviewed as part of the school policy review cycle



Our Lady's Primary School Surrey Hills

Guided by the life of Jesus Christ

Inspired by the Spirit of Mary

Our Lady’s is a community that ignites imagination and promotes a lifelong passion for God and learning.

Our Lady's Primary School is a place of acceptance, optimism, success, growth and challenge.

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Our humble beginnings...

Our Lady’s Primary School is a small school where big things happen! Our Lady’s Primary was first opened in 1957 by Bishop Fox. With the exception of the brickwork, all other work was completed by the parishioners. We are proud that we are a nurturing and positive school, with an emphasis on creating a welcoming and safe environment, where children are not only cared for, but also encouraged to achieve academic excellence. We want all our students to confident, resilient and discerning well rounded people.


“We endeavor to develop deep learning, powerful teaching and to create animated learners, inspired by the Gospel and led by the Holy Spirit to act with justice and strive for the common good.” Horizons of Hope, Catholic Education Melbourne.


The first thing that people notice when they visit our school is the warmth and confidence of the students they meet as they walk around the grounds. Our students are inquisitive, interested and present. They are always keen to engage and their warmth is ever present.

We enjoy a strong reputation for the excellent pastoral care of our students. Our staff are wonderful role models who value the dignity and worth of each and every student and strive to create a positive learning environment in which the personal needs of all students are catered for. Students are encouraged to seek personal excellence and challenged to discover and develop their talents not only for themselves, but in the service of others.


It is great to see you!


Annie Engellenner


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Clare Hicks

Deputy Principal, Religious Education and Learning Diversity Leader 

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Fr Brendan Reed

Parish Priest

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Julie Leung

Office Manager



Therapy Dog

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Ann Skeete

Learning Support Officer

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Carissa Bright

Classroom Teacher 

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Antonella Coloretti

Classroom Teacher

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Chao Ying Li

Languages Teacher

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Connie Antenucci

Performing Arts Teacher


Kimberly Chin

Classroom Teacher

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Fee De Maria

Admin Suppport


Belinda Collison

Visual Arts Teacher

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Jane James

Physical Education Teacher and Student Wellbeing Leader

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Jenny Pye

Library Technician




Classroom Teacher

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Katie Lynch

Classroom Teacher and Mathematics Leader


Tony Hollamby

Classroom Teacher


Tanya Spencer

Learning Support Officer


Charlotte Engellenner

Learning Support Officer

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Brendan Hawke

Learning and Teaching Leader

Digital Technologies Leader.

STEM Specialist

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Chelsea Uebergang

Classroom Teacher


Nicky Dunne

Classroom Teacher and Literacy Leader

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Bernadette Potter

 Learning Enhancement Teacher



School Psychologist


Nicole Dunning

Learning Support



 Julia Strenz

Classroom Teacher

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Simone Lancuba

Classroom  Teacher


Connie Payne

Learning Support




Our four legged member of the team...

How does Lola help us with our learning?

Lola can teach us how to take care of a pet. She can teach us responsibility and how to be gentle with animals. Lola might help us learn more about ourselves so we can feel better. She can also teach us about therapy dogs and what they do.


How should you approach Lola if you want to pat her?

I will wait for her to come near me and then I would pat her. I will pat her gently and let her sniff my hand so it knows me. People should never pat her from behind because it might scare her.


What are some ways we care for her?

We can respect her by letting her getting settled into the room first before we pat her, so she does not get scared. We can also care for her by helping train her. We can train her to not eat things from the bin. As the teachers feed and walk her, we might not do that as much.


How does Lola benefit our wellbeing?

Lola can cheer us up by playing with us. If we took her for a walk it might make us feel better. 


How might we make Lola feel comfortable within the environment?

We can make Lola feel welcome by respecting her and acknowledging that she has feelings. We should also not be too loud or scary as we do not want to scare her.


Watch a video of Lola !


Spacious and New

We are very fortunate to have well equipped and engaging learning spaces at OLPS. Our recently redeveloped playground, which was designed by award winning Richards Bellemo, features a dry creek bed, a water pump, gazebo and boardwalk. The sandpit pit blends beautifully into the landscape. The bamboo forest provides a quiet area for students to play and learn amongst the tall trees and shade.


Our mediation and wellbeing hub also provide exceptional places for students to develop to their spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

"The landscape should work harmoniously with architecture; the indoor/outdoor space should be at one." - Richard Bellemo -RB Landscaping


Play spaces for all of our students

Designed by Richard Belemo from R&B Landscaping Richard Bellemo is an innovative and contemporary award-winning designer of strikingly beautiful gardens and landscapes. 


Sustainable Garden to support our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program.



Our school's policies in all areas can be accessed by clicking the link below 



Extra care for our students and families

Our Lady's Primary has partnered with Camp Australia to provide our Outside School Hours Care program. 


At Camp Australia, children are at the heart of everything we do. We understand that parents are often juggling multiple things in life, and we want to take the pressure off when it comes to caring for your children. Fostering a safe, inclusive environment, Your OSHC encourages each child to have fun and grow with their peers through enriching and engaging experiences. 


From Before and After School Care to Pupil Free Day programs, every activity is tailored to the interests and needs of the children in our services. Every week is different and in any one week, children could be participating in science experiments, active play, creative expression and more! We also provide nutritious breakfast options as well as delicious afternoon snacks with a variety of fresh, seasonal ingredients that also meet the dietary requirements of our children.


We're here to make Outside School Hours Care the best experience possible for your child.

To find out more about our program, view fees and to register visit Alternatively, for more information about our programs use the QR link to the right.


We look forward to seeing you and your family soon.


For more information please contact Camp Australia Customer Care team on 1300 105 343.

Brochures for Your OSHC program are also available at the school office.

Before Care Operating Hours are- 7.00 am- 8.30 am

After Care Operation Hours are- 3.25 pm-6.00 pm

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Out of Hours Care
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