Be here, be you, belong!

Our Lady's Primary School
Major Raffle
We would like to congratulate the Grant Family, the winners of this year's major raffle!
Ticket number 47.
The raffle was drawn on Saturday 27th August @ 9.00 pm

Ranked in the top 3% of
Victorian Primary Schools for Year 5 Naplan Results (2022)

Cross Country Champions 2023

Heading 1

Our Lady's Primary School Surrey Hills
Our Lady’s school is a place where, not only your child, but your whole family will be welcomed and valued as members of our community. At Our Lady’s we are acutely aware of the privilege it is to be invited into the educative process of your child. We recognize that your child is a special gift given to you, and now you are inviting and entrusting us to enter into a partnership with you, to guide and support their growth as a person along with their academic learning.
We believe in the infinite potential of each child and that it is our duty to provide a rich, challenging and relevant curriculum in a supportive and caring environment that will equip your child with the skills, knowledge and capabilities to confidently and happily live in our contemporary world.
The first thing that people notice when they visit our school is the warmth and confidence of the students they meet as they walk around the grounds. Our students are inquisitive, interested and present. They are always keen to engage and their warmth is ever present.
We enjoy a strong reputation for the excellent pastoral care of our students. Our staff are wonderful role models who value the dignity and worth of each and every student and strive to create a positive learning environment in which the personal needs of all students are catered for. Students are encouraged to seek personal excellence and challenged to discover and develop their talents not only for themselves but in the service of others.
We have so much to be thankful for in terms of those who have worked, learned, and grown in our school before us, and our school will always be indebted to their graciousness and commitment. The school moves forward with great confidence and an eagerness to discover what the future holds.
With the Staff of Our Lady’s School, I look forward to coming to know your child and trust that your association with our community will be a happy and positive experience for your whole family.

Annie Engellenner
Dip. Ed, Grad. Dip. Spec.Ed, Grad.Cert. in R.E, Reading Recovery- Literacy Intervention,
M.Ed.Student Wellbeing
We invite you to join us for a tour of our school at a date and time to be negotiated.
We invite families to make contact with the school through the 3 options as listed below -
Click on the link on the School Website - 'Book a Tour'. A notification will be sent to the school office/principal notifying them that you are seeking a school tour.
Parents/Carers are invited to contact the school office to organise a school tour date and time 03 9898 7655
Email the School Principal principal@olsureyhills.catholic.edu.au directly to organise a school tour.
School Tours are also available at a time to be negotiated with families throughout the school year.
SCHOOL OPEN DAY TOURS - You're welcome to attend:
We warmly welcome families to attend our School Open Days taking place in March, 2024
Please call the school office 98987655 or email office@olsurreyhills.catholic.edu.au - to register your attendance at a tour.
Open Days will take place on the following days -
Friday 1st March (9am, 10am, 4pm, 5pm)
Tuesday 12th March (9am, 10am, 4pm, 5pm)
Saturday 23rd March, 9.30am, 11.00am)
Tuesday 26th March (9am, 10am, 4pm, 5pm)
Information Evening for Parents who have children joining Our Lady’s in Prep in 2025
Thursday 7th November 7.00pm
Transition Sessions for Prep Students joining our school in 2025
Wednesday 13th November 9.30am to 10.30am
Wednesday 20th November 9.30am to 10.30am
Wednesday 27th November 9.30am to 10.30am
Melbourne Ardiocease Of Catholic School: Governance Statement
Our Lady’s Primary School is a school that operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS). MACS governs and operates 292 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese to continue the mission of Catholic education to proclaim the Good News and equip our young people with the knowledge, skills and hope to live meaningful lives and enrich the world around them. Because the good work of educating the young is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community, School Advisory Councils have been established to provide a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders. This governance model was designed to ease the administrative burden on our schools and parishes, allow parish priests to focus on the mission of education in the parish, enable greater collaboration between schools and ensure greater consistency in school policies and procedures. More information on MACS is available at macs.vic.edu.au.

OLPS - Winner 2022 Victorian Schools Garden Award.
Term 1: Monday 29th January – Thursday 28th March
Students return: Tuesday 30th January
Term 2: Monday 15th April – Friday 28th June
Term 3: Monday 15th July – Friday 20th September
Term 4: Monday 7th October – TBC December
Easter Break : Friday 29th March April – Monday 1st April

Engaging with our Families!

Our Lady's Primary School Surrey Hills
Through pedagogical choices we seek to develop deep learning, powerful teaching and to create animated learners who are inspired to act for justice and strive for the common good.

Why choose Our Lady's?

Social Justice Programs
Sacramental preparation
Altar service
Class Masses
Whole School Mass
Meditation Program

STEM Specialist
Premier's Reading Challenge
STEM Mad Showcase
Library Open for Weekly Borrowing
UNSW Academic Challenge- Maths
ICAS in 2022
MACS Visual Arts Exhibition

Swimming Program
Cross Country
District Sport
Representative Sport
Running Club
Hoop Time

Student Wellbeing
Kindergarten Immersion Program
Prep & Year 5 Buddy Program
Respectful Relationships Program
SRC - Student Representative Council
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Transition Program
Lunchtime Clubs

The Arts
Performing Arts
Book Week Activities
Art Show
Learning Showcase
School Concert

School Captains
Digital Technology Leaders
Sports Leaders
Art Leaders
Social Justice Leaders
Sustainability Leaders

Our Lady's Primary School Surrey Hills
Every face has a place at Our Lady's Primary School. Relationships matter and they are at the heart of all we do. At OLPS we are acutely aware of the important role we play in the wellbeing of all our students and their families.

Our Lady's Primary School Surrey Hills
At Our Lady's we aim to support parents and students in making a smooth transition to school life. For students to begin school in 2021 they must be 5 years of age by the 30th April 2021

A Taste of Our School

Parent Information Session

School Tour

Orientation in the Classroom

Meet & Greet

Home Visits
(Term 1)

Address: 31 Eramus Street Surrey Hills 3127
Phone: (03) 9898 7655
Principal: Mrs Annie Engellenner
Email: principal@olsurreyhills.catholic.edu.au
Office Hours: 08:30 am - 4:00 pm


Parish Priest - Fr Brendan Reed
Email: cbdparish@cam.org.au
Tel: 9816 9221
Parish Office - 19 Brenbeal Street, Balwyn
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm