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Our Lady's Primary School Surrey Hills

At Our Lady’s, we believe that a student who feels supported and valued for her/his individuality is able to make the most of all learning opportunities. An environment that is engaging, safe and challenging allows for effective learning to take place.  We have a strong commitment to fostering positive relationships and collaboration, in order to enhance the whole school learning environment.

Learning and Teaching at Our Lady’s is centred around building students' capacity to understand themselves in relationship with others. It is not what we teach at Our Lady’s, it is the way in which we teach it.


Through inquiry based learning, we strive to provide a rich and relevant curriculum that incorporates communication, critical thinking, creativity and global citizenship.


As a Catholic Primary School we are committed to helping our students learn about and live our faith, as well as implement the academic curriculum. We utilise the Victorian Curriculum alongside the Religious Education Curriculum Framework (Archdiocese of Melbourne).


Learning Areas and Capabilities of the Victorian Curriculum:


  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Physical Education

  • The Arts: Music, Drama, Dance, Media Arts, Visual Arts

  • Languages: Mandarin

  • Humanities: History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Economics and Business

  • Technologies

  • Capabilities: Personal and Social Learning, Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Capability and Intercultural Understanding.


At Our Lady’s Primary School we are steadfast in our commitment to the academic and emotional growth of all our students. Our students are educated and inspired through rigorous, relevant and personalised teaching strategies. Students have access to contemporary learning tools including Chromebooks, laptops, iPads and interactive smart televisions. As an inquiry based school, our students are encouraged to think critically and make authentic connections with their learning and life. Curiosity and positive mindset are fostered through our inquiry approach and skills in science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

A Day in the Life of a Prep Student

Communication at Our Lady's School

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Click on the image to learn more



Meeting the needs of all our students

All students with diverse learning needs have a right to access a full and engaging education on the same basis as their peers. At OLPS we  seek to empower learners by celebrating difference and providing educational opportunities aimed at eliminating discrimination and focused on growth and progress for all.



Need someone to talk to

How does Lola help us with our learning?

Lola can teach us how to take care of a pet. She can teach us responsibility and how to be gentle with animals. Lola might help us learn more about ourselves so we can feel better. She can also teach us about therapy dogs and what they do.


How should you approach Lola if you want to pat her?

I will wait for her to come near me and then I would pat her. I will pat her gently and let her sniff my hand so it knows me. People should never pat her from behind because it might scare her.


What are some ways we care for her?

We can respect her by letting her getting settled into the room first before we pat her, so she does not get scared. We can also care for her by helping train her. We can train her to not eat things from the bin. As the teachers feed and walk her, we might not do that as much.


How does Lola benefit our wellbeing?

Lola can cheer us up by playing with us. If we took her for a walk it might make us feel better. 


How might we make Lola feel comfortable within the environment?

We can make Lola feel welcome by respecting her and acknowledging that she has feelings. We should also not be too loud or scary as we do not want to scare her.



Be the change you want to see

At Our Lady’s, our Catholic faith permeates all that we do. We teach our students to be people of great love and kindness. Our school Chapel provides a beautiful space for students to enter and engage in quiet prayer. 


We inclusively celebrate our faith through our daily interactions with each other. We explore with our students what our faith asks us to be in our everyday life – to be the face of Christ for those around us. We help the students to develop an understanding of the relevance of their faith  by making connections from our catholic  traditions and the contemporary world.

Opportunities that are provided for our community to explore their faith


  • Whole school masses

  • Level masses

  • Classroom masses

  • Christian Meditation

  • Learning designed using the Renewed RE Framework and linked to Inquiry Learning

  • Social justice opportunities

  • Sacramental Programs - Sacraments are received in the following year levels:

  • Reconciliation: Year 3

  • Eucharist: Year 4

  • Confirmation: Year  6



“A brief conversation after the reading can achieve a variety of things. A good question can reveal a wealth of understanding.”

- Marie Clay

It is through the study of English that individuals learn to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others and with the world around them. At Our Lady’s, the study of English is central to the learning and development of all students. We create confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens. Our students engage imaginatively and critically with literature to expand the scope of their experience.



Understanding the world through maths

Mathematics is essential for students to be critical and creative thinkers, decision makers and problem solvers. At Our Lady’s, we believe all students can achieve success in an environment of high expectations and continuous improvement. We create opportunities for students to challenge their mathematical thinking using the proficiency strands, Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning.



Preparing our students for their futures

STEM education is a term used to refer collectively to the teaching of the disciplines within its umbrella: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM is a cross-disciplinary approach to teaching that increases student interest in STEM related fields and improves students’ problem solving and critical analysis skills. ​


At Our Lady’s, Digital Technologies is embedded in the curriculum into all learning areas. Students have a range of devices  to use with 1:1 Chromebooks in the Years Two to Six and 1:1 iPads in Years Prep to One.



Students as researchers

Our Lady’s Primary School recognises the importance of preparing students for a world beyond the classroom. We are constantly challenging our young minds to take learning risks and develop positive growth mindsets.”

- Mrs Annie Engellenner, Principal


At OLPS you will see us encompassing the Assets for Life across all curriculum areas. This will be at the forefront of what we do, providing our students with the skills to face challenges and opportunities, develop habits, dispositions, values, attitudes and interests. You will see us consistently referring to and reflecting on the following assets:


We are thinkers

We can think logically, creatively and reflectively. We think about how I use my thinking and have different strategies for making my thinking visible to others. We remain open-minded and know that my thinking changes as we learn.


We are Communicators

We can communicate ideas confidently in different ways and for different purposes. We listen thoughtfully to what others communicate to me. We can adapt my communication style to different contexts.


We are Self-Managers

We can learn independently and make wise decisions about my learning and behaviour. We know ourselves as a learner and can set and work towards personal goals. We can reflect on my learning and challenge myself.


We are Researchers

We can formulate questions and locate and use a wide range of sources and techniques to investigate problems, interests and issues. We think critically about the information I gather and I am careful to acknowledge the sources.


We are Collaborators

We can work with others on shared goals, questions and challenges. We know how to be a constructive part of a team, to use different roles for different tasks and to actively listen to and respect other people’s views. We understand how my behaviour affects others.




Healthy bodies, healthy minds

An extensive skills based sequential program, cross referenced to the Victorian Curriculum is offered at OLPS.

  • Perceptual Motor Program (P.M.P. – Foundation)

  • Running Club

  • Swimming Programme / Water Safety (Years 3 & 4)

  • Interschool Sport (Years 5 & 6)

  • Annual Sports Day (Hagenhuer Reserve, Box Hill North)

  • Family Life biannually (Years 1 to 6)

  • Camp experience annually (Years 5 and 6)

  • Bike Ed  annually (Year 3 – 6)

  • Sporting clinics: e.g. cricket, gymnastics, softball, skateboarding (Foundation – Year 6)




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Students acquire communication skills in languages. They develop understanding about the role of language and culture in communication. Their reflections on language use and language learning are applied in other learning contexts.


Learning languages broadens students’ horizons about the personal, social, cultural and employment opportunities that are available in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world. The interdependence of countries and communities requires people to negotiate experiences and meanings across languages and cultures. A bilingual or plurilingual capability is the norm in most parts of the world.


The Languages- Mandarin curriculum aims to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that students:

  • communicate in the language they are learning

  • understand the relationship between language, culture and learning

  • develop intercultural capabilities

  • understand themselves as communicators.

  • strengthen intellectual, analytical and reflective capabilities and enhance creative and critical thinking.



Developing Individual Creativity 

Our Lady’s is very proud of our strong Arts Program.The Arts curriculum seeks to provide students with experiences to stimulate their creativity, imagination and linguistic skills.The Arts encourages students to have a positive attitude towards self expression and pride in their effort and individuality. Students have the opportunity to showcase their learning in Visual and Performing Arts at our bi- annual School Performance and Art Exhibition.

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